Archive for August, 2010

07 AugWindows vs Linux Web Server/VPS

After a couple years of managing both Windows and Linux servers, I will review some of the differences between the two different servers.  Both of them are very different and not one will fit for everyone.  I will explain the differences and it will be up to you to make the decision on the server to choose.

I have been running a Windows server for many years both at my own house and a Windows VPS with GoDaddy.  A Windows server is MUCH easier to manage, setup and get running.  Everything is fairly simple to do but simplicity does come with its downfalls.  Since everything can be done within a GUI (Graphical User Interface), it does limit the amount of things that can be done. Read more…

05 AugGoDaddy Windows VPS Price Change

I have been hosting a VPS (Virtual Private Server) or as GoDaddy calls it Virtual Dedicated Server with GoDaddy for over 3 years and so far they have been great.  I never had any issues with the server going down and below are the specifications that my server had:

Processor: Intel Xeon 5148, 2.33GHZ (4 cores)
Ram: 512mb ram with no swap
Hard Drive: 10 GB (the OS takes up about 2GB)
OS: Windows 2003 Server
IP Addresses: 3 included Read more…